#997 Vivid Sydney Festival

#997 Vivid Sydney Festival

Australia is know for our B -E- A - UTIFUL weather.

For a very short part of the year in Autumn/Winter the weather turns ...well... crap.

Just for a little bit. (never fear) 

So to confuse locals and tourists to distract us from it, Sydney puts on THE VIVID SYDNEY FESTIVAL! 


Its held in late May / June in Sydney on the EAST coast and  ITS FREE BABY, FREEEEEEEEEE

Light and sound installations are incorporated into famous buildings, like the Opera House, Customs House , MCA building and random items like these AWESOME Deep sea fishy taxis.
Yes thats right, this is a Taxi. WOOOOO! 
Take me to the vivid festival, Oh Fishy chariot! 

So if you feel like listening to quirky music with the psychedelic images flashing before you wherever you look, then the Vivid festival is for you!


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