# 999 Dinosaur Stampede!

# 999 Dinosaur Stampede!

Australia is awesome because it has a genuine dinosaur stampede recorded in our scorched earth!

Were they in a race for some delicious milo? we will never know.

The Lark Quarry Dinosaur Trackways are 120km southwest of Winton in central Queesnland.

The Story goes that one dino day around 95 million years ago, a large herd of awesome aussie two-legged dinosaurs gathered on the edge of a lake and in a rush to avoid being eaten for breakfast they took off like a melbourne cup racehorse in the muddy flats, leaving their Aussie dino mess of 3300 footprints fossilised in the mud.

Other theorists suggest that because it was Australia, they were obvoiusly in some kind of sporting race with the big heavy guy coming last.

Either way, Aussie Dino Stampede is AWESOME


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