# 996 The City to Surf Race

# 996 The City to Surf Race

The City to Surf is held in lovely Sydney early in August just as the weather starts to warm from winter. It's the world's largest run and an Aussie favourite event.

Over 80,000 people run in the race and in Awesome Aussie style has about 1/2 the people running seriously, while the other half are just out for a good time, many dressed in fancy dress and team costumes.

It's pretty tame in race marathon standards at only 14km distance from Sydney’s CBD , through the tunnel at Kings Cross and Rose Bay, up “Heartbreak Hill” (the halfway point)then down hill to spectacular Bondi Beach.


# 997 Ray Meagher

# 997 Ray Meagher

Stone the flaming crows its Ray Meagher!

Superstar longest continuing performer in an Australian television role, as Alf Stewart on Home and Away, having played the role since the first episode in 1988.

Home & Away is an Aussie soap which has been a favourite here and especially in the UK for many many years, and it's rock is most definetly Alf Stewart.

Finally recognised for his long stint on Home & Away in 2010, Ray won the Gold Logie voted by the Aussie Public.

Love ya you Flamin Galah!


# 998 The Sneaky August Change

#998 The Sneaky August Change

Living in Australia can involve everything from sunbathing on the beach in scorching summers to knocking snow off your boots after a day of skiing and from sweating out the humidity during the build-up at the beginning of the wet season, to wrapping up snug and waiting at the bus stop in the pouring rain.

The winter here goes from June to August and quite often in early August, Australia gets a sneaky peak of the coming Spring. A warm snap for a good few days to tease us as a temptation of the beautiful 9 months that are ahead. Its just enough to keep us all sane through the last tiny bit of the cold winter.

The Clouds dissapear to reveal the blue skies, the smell of BBQ's fill the air, jackets come off and everyones moods lift significantly while we all drink up the glorious warm for a few days and nights.

The sneaky August weather change makes Australia AWESOME!

# 999 Dinosaur Stampede!

# 999 Dinosaur Stampede!

Australia is awesome because it has a genuine dinosaur stampede recorded in our scorched earth!

Were they in a race for some delicious milo? we will never know.

The Lark Quarry Dinosaur Trackways are 120km southwest of Winton in central Queesnland.

The Story goes that one dino day around 95 million years ago, a large herd of awesome aussie two-legged dinosaurs gathered on the edge of a lake and in a rush to avoid being eaten for breakfast they took off like a melbourne cup racehorse in the muddy flats, leaving their Aussie dino mess of 3300 footprints fossilised in the mud.

Other theorists suggest that because it was Australia, they were obvoiusly in some kind of sporting race with the big heavy guy coming last.

Either way, Aussie Dino Stampede is AWESOME


# 1000 Super Bright Cash

Australian currency, well the notes anyway, are AWESOME.

In 1988 , the year we celebrated our bi-centenary the country got just a little bit excited. It was decided the Aussie landscape of our currency notes was a bit dull and needed some sprucing up.

Enter the Fiver, The Blue Heeler, The Red Back , The Pineapple and the Greenback.

Psychedelic Polymer banknotes!

They are SUPER Bright coloured, recyclable, much cleaner than paper money and can survive a spin in the washing machine intact.

Other than Queen Elizabeth on the $5 , it's pretty safe to assume a lot of Australians don’t have a clue who the people are on our currency. But who needs to know when you can spot what note it is from 50 meters away!

Aussie Money is AWESOME

# 1001 MILO


Not Happy with the non-MILO state of the world, Thomas Mayne sat down in Sydney in 1934 and concocked up this tasty treat that Australian's cant get enough of.

No longer were our options restricted to Coffee and Tea but we also had the third most AWESOME option, which was Milo.

So much did we love it that we even associated it with all things sporting in the Milo Tv comercials. So Aussies can't possibly excel at their favourite sporting pastime unless they have a big dollup of milky milo goodness in their bellies swooshing around.

Whether having it with Hot Milk, Crunchy on top in cold milk or like a chocolate snowstorm on your ice cream,


IMAGE: Milo.com.au